Sunday, October 03, 2004

Erykah Badu, Worldwide Underground (2003)

In Worldwide Underground, Miss Badu ventures into the realm of wierd with many of her tunes just a mess of sing-song babble. As usual, her production is tight and her beats are excellent and easy to groove to. A relatively short album (billed as an e.p.), it is not necessarily sweet.

Bump It is the second track and comes off as a sort of ode to playing Erykah's music "well." We love it when they play your shit sky high too Erykah! This song is mellow yet sends a pervasive message that every music lover can appreciate; good music should be played loudly.

Track 4, the nearly eleven minute I Want You, also has a nifty groove to it. You have to wonder though, why eleven minutes boo? First she plays with then tempo, then she freaks out! After two and a half minutes she stops singing "I I I I I I I want you you you you you you you," it doesn't sound as bad as it may seem though. But by this time she sings actual song lyrics, beautifully! Before long though, we're back to the hum along. The track ends with a snip-it of a Santana-esque rock guitar taking us into the next song.

Danger is a hip-hopish fun song that Erykah does well. It's about holding down the block (if you know what I mean) while her man is in jail, or something. Erykah is funky. This song is bass heavy and the cadence is real mesmerizing. A true head banger.

It's a good cd to throw up in the player on a long car ride, it keeps the brain going. I wouldn't recommend it for everyday listening though, not my cup of tea.

Rating: 6 Gold Teefs.
Buy or Copy: Copy unless you're a BIIIIIIG Erykah fan.


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